Help Us Continue Our Work!

Get Involved!
Looking for opportunities for radical wealth redistribution? Please consider making a donation to Soul Fire Farm. See our program description and FAQ for more information on how your donation can make a difference. Also, check out our Annual Report.
Interesting in offering your time and skills? Check out our volunteer opportunities.
If you’re interested in sponsoring participation in our food sovereignty programs so that we never have to deny anyone access based on their economic means, please check out our Sponsorship Opportunities!
Please refer to our Donor Love Activity Levels for more information on how we express gratitude to our generous community of contributors.
Please mail the check directly to our farm:
1972 NY HWY 2 Petersburg, NY 12138
Write the check out to “Soul Fire Farm”

Our Donors
An appreciation and gratitude for the support of the funders who make our work possible.